€ 0,00
Za natančne cene vnesite datume.
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0.00 €

Vila 976 Šegotići

Hrvaška Istra Marcana
Hiše na samem
Plaža Duga Uvala


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Ne čakajte, dokler ne bo prepozno!
Rezerviraj zdaj in ne zamudi današnjih cen.

Splošne informacije

Vsebina objekta

Vsebina plaže

Zajamčena najnižja cena
Brez stroškov rezervacije. Prihranite denar!
Varen postopek rezervacije
Plačilo s kreditno kartico / Plačilo s položnico
Govorijo vaš jezik
Pomoč v angleščini in 12 drugih jezikih 24/7
Plaćanje po dolasku
Rezerviraj zdaj. Plačaj kasneje
Brez stroškov
Brez stroškov rezervacije ali stroškov plačila s kreditno kartico!
Visok odstotek zadovoljnih strank
Več kot 98 % naših strank je zadovoljnih z našimi uporabniškimi storitvami in želi spet sodelovati z nami.


2000 m
Prva pomoč
20000 m
2000 m
Hotelski bazen
2000 m
Športno središče
200 m
Bencinski servis
18000 m
1000 m
700 m
18000 m
2000 m
2000 m

Najbližja plaža

Plaža Duga Uvala

Duga Uvala is a sheltered bay on the east coast of Istria between the larger towns of Labin and Pula. This area of Istria is generally very undeveloped and provides a long stretch of unspoilt coastline. Inland from the coast are delightful rural villages. Local roads and farm tracks lead down to the coast and its many coves and inlets on the peaceful Rasa estuary and the bay of Duga Uvala. In Duga Uvala bay itself there is a Hotel, beachside cafes and pizzeria. The hotel complex includes a wellness centre, massage, aromatherapy amnd fitness centre. There are sport facilities available as well as night clubs and discos. The principal town of the area is Pula but there are shops and restaurants in several of the villages and small towns in this region.

O plaži

Vrsta plaže

