€ 0,00
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Celková cena
0.00 €

Dům 1277 Zoričići

Chorvatsko Istrie Vnitrozemí Istrie
Rodinná dovolená
Pláž Materada


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Obsah objektu

Obsah nejbližší pláž

Garance nejnižší ceny
Žádné rezervační poplatky. Šetřete peníze!
Rezervace je bezpečná
Platba kreditní kartou a platba bankovním převodem
Domluvíte se Vaším jazykem
Pomoc 24/7 v Angličtině a dalších 12 jazycích
Platíte až při příjezdu
Přičemž akontaci zaplatíte hned a zbytek až po příjezdu do Chorvatska.
Žádné další náklady
Nincs foglalási vagy hitelkártya-használati díj!
Vysoké procento spokojených hostů
Více než 98% našich klientů bylo spokojeno s našimi službami a rádi by s námi opět spolupracovali.


6000 m
První pomoc
6000 m
17000 m
Hotelový bazén
17000 m
Jiné sportovní terény
6000 m
Benzinová pumpa pro auto
3000 m
1500 m
2500 m
6000 m
17000 m
17000 m

Nejbližší pláž

Pláž Materada

Hotel Laguna Materada beach is a rocky hotel beach, but it is also frequentd by the local population. The beach is situated along a small peninsula characterized by elevated reefs with smaller gravel bays. The beach has life- guards, lifesaving equipment, first aid, infirmary, facilities for receiving recyclable waste, catering establishmen. t The beach guards are present from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (May 15-September 30). The beach can be approached by paved walkways. The bulletin board is available on the beach (contains info on conditions on the beach, results of sampling, map of sampling points, cultural and protected heritage, etc), camp reception disseminating all relevant information, eco-activities, signs, gazettes, regulations.

o pláže

Typ pláže



Pláž v blízkosti

Pláž Donji Špadići více

Situated 2 km north from the city of Porec, Donji Spadici is an urban beach, between two hotels, in the vicinity of a sport center. The beach is a combination of pebbles, cement and rocks. The beach was significantly renovated last year - coastal support walls were added, as well as paved surfaces for sunbathing and new stairs for sea access. The beach and the nearby hotels encourgae sustainable transportation, by organizing small trains to transport the guests, and by having arranged bike and walking tours. The beach has life-guards, life-saving facilities, first-aid, recycable waste facilties, lockers, etc. Life-guards are present from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.(June 1-September 30). There is a bulletin board (info on conditions on the beach, results of sampling, map of sampling points, cultural and protected heritage, etc), camp reception providing all relevant information, eco-activities (waste collection and transportation, energy saving, eco- messages), signs, gazettes, regulations.

o pláže

Typ pláže



Pláž Zelena Laguna více

Zelena Laguna is a beach of the motor-camp Zelena Laguna, located near the historic town of Porec and it is a resort beach, low with rocky areas, in the green area of oak-wood trees, well adapted to the ground configuration. The beach has lifesaving equipment, beach guards, first aid, facilities for receiving recyclable waste, catering establishment. The beach guards are present from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (May 15-September 30) The beach can be reached by paved walkways. There is a bulletin board (info on conditions on the beach, results of sampling, map of sampling points, cultural and protected heritage, etc), camp reception giving all relevant information, eco-activities, signs, gazettes, regulations.

o pláže

Typ pláže

