Momjan, Travel Guide for holidays in Momjan, Istria
Momjan – Points of interests

Momjan can be cut up in two parts; the lower and the upper. In the lower part there is a bell tower (22 m) and the church of St. Martin from the 15th century. On a rock on the west side of the church there is a ruin of an ancient castle, hiding very important events from the history of the northern Istria. The most popular sorts of wines growing in this area are the Malvasia and the Muscat of Momjan which were famous and highly appreciated on Italian and Viennese courts. The plentiful animal life such as pheasants, does, wild boarsas well as other animals protected and unprotected bird species provide the base for the development of hunting tourism. The quality local produce and cuisine create an ideal base for the agro tourism.
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